Oven-Roasted Ratatouille

I adore ratatouille but, more often than not, am sorely disappointed when ordering it at a restaurant. Undercooked, overcooked, under seasoned, watery – you name it, I have paid for it.  I have much better luck in France but am only there a few times a year so have resorted to making my own.  Key, […]

Korean Bibimbap

Understanding the food of a culture is an essential ingredient to begin to understand the culture itself. Food reflects the history and geography of a region, group or nation.  Our first stop on any trip is usually a local market or a grocery store.  Wandering around the incredible markets in Morocco, Japan, Spain, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, […]

Coconut Curry Tofu with Cilantro Rice

Vegetarian meals play a dominant role in our household.  Having lived in Japan for years, I came to love, and rely on, tofu.  I also adore the taste of curry, cilantro and coconut so this dish has become a favorite.  Be sure to use extra firm tofu, unsweetened coconut milk and unsweetened, dried coconut. Other […]